Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cliche Verre

  •  Describe what a cliche verre is (history and characteristics) 
  • Cliché verre is a combination of art and photography. In brief, it is a method of either etching, painting or drawing on a transparent surface, such as glass, thin paper or film and printing the resulting image on a light sensitive paper in a photographic darkroom.
  •  Explain how you made the cliche verre and what image you used to create it (technique and choices)
  •  I used black paint and scratched the image into the paint. I printed the image from the computer.
  • Why did you choose that particular image to paint in your cliche verre? (personal reflection)
  • I chose the picture of the pansies because I thought they were cute and simple. And that they would translate well on the light sensitive paper.
  •  Did you like the final result? Why or why not? (judgement)
  • I liked my positive final image. However, I don't really like my negative image because it was kind of shadowy in some places.

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